Monday, July 14, 2014

Serve The Lord First

Hey guys,

Well, it's a sad day for us here in Eastbourne, as we have just received transfer calls and I am being moved again. This time I am being moved to Downend. Don't know where it is or anything, but I'm sure it will be great! I will really miss it here though, and miss Sister Smart. She is amazing, just like all of my companions have been! I am really bummed to have to leave Eastbourne though. It will be a very sad day. I'll miss the baptism, but that's okay. That will be a total of 4 baptisms that I have missed but have taught the people everything and then they get baptised after I leave. But hey, that's the life of a missionary. As long as the people get baptised, that is all that really matters. :) 200 investigators at sacrament meeting is a lot! For us anyway. Every mission is different, so 200 might not seem like a lot compared to missions in other parts of the world, but in Europe, that's A LOT! :)

Our weather has been really rubbish the past week. Today is the first day of sunshine that we have had in awhile. It's been raining for most of the week, which is annoying, but that's what you have to deal with sometimes. It is England, after all. The weather there sounds great, so soak up the sun for me! I wanted the lyrics for that song because we have some Elders in our district, Elder Cluff and Elder Reed and they both listen to country music and they asked me if I could remember the lyrics to it because as a missionary we have a "veil" that keeps us from remembering the worldly things. Anyway, so they couldn't remember it so they asked me and I couldn't remember either, so I asked you guys to help. Silly, but yeah. That's it. Oh, and thank you for telling Dr. Dredge that I would like to continue my course because I would really love that! I am so happy that they have started it up again! It was definitely right for me to serve a mission because if you remember, they cancelled it before I left, but now it is starting up again just before I come back! Heavenly Father really blesses us all, and I am very grateful for that blessing from Him. Serve the Lord first, and then things will work together for your good.

Anyway, things have been going well here in Eastbourne. The baptism is still going to go through this weekend so that will be great for the sisters. Last Monday we got to go visit the farm of one of the members here and that was so much fun! There were lots of little lambs and some giant pigs! My gosh! But it was loads of fun! We also got to attend a fireside up at the temple ( which was great!), and we are going back tomorrow with some investigators so that will be really nice! It's great to at least be on the grounds and feel the Spirit that is there. I miss the temple, but I will get to go soon again. :) 
So, last week was good, but I hope that this week will be good as well. It sounds like things have been good for you guys as well and I am happy for that. I hope that continues to be the case for this next week. And I will be sure to drink more water especially with the warm weather. Have a great week guys! I love you!!!
Sister Connery

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