Monday, March 24, 2014


Hi guys!

Oh my goodness! I have so much to tell you! I am glad to hear that you are all doing well. I'm also extremely glad to hear about the temple trip! I love the temple so much! I really wish I could go again! I will never again take the temple for granted! Ever! It is such a blessing in our lives and a huge privilege for us to go to the house of the Lord! :D

Sometimes, Mama, we all need little nudges. Even missionaries. Sometimes we get too relaxed with everything, and we need to stop and keep working hard. We can rest in paradise after we die. But now is the time for us to perform our labours and prepare to meet Heavenly Father again (see Alma 34:32). So we need to work hard while we can! Take a good break and rest easy with Spring Break, and then you can be refreshed to start work and everything else again. I hope those kids are helping you out with everything, and if they're not then tell them to REPENT! ;) lol.

So, now for my news! Transfers came! I didn't mention it last week because when I emailed you on Monday morning I didn't know if I would be transferred or not. But transfer calls came on Monday evening, and I got transferred to a place called Staines (Google it). So that means a new companion, new place, new members, new everything! But not only that, my new companion and I are whitewashing! (Whitewashing=going to an area that both of you have never been to). So, we were both in previous areas, and then we got transferred here to Staines, so neither one of us know anything about this place, and we just have to figure it out. There were Sisters here before but both of them went home last week so President had to put two new missionaries here, and so he, through inspiration from Heavenly Father, chose us. It's really hard, but it can be really fun and it's a great opportunity for us to stretch and grow! My new companion is Sister Polidario, and she is from the Philippines! She has been on her mission for eight months, and she is just so sweet! She is the Sister Trainer Leader for our zone so we will be getting to go on a lot of exchanges! Fun stuff! But it has been so crazy this week! We have only been in the area since Wednesday evening, and we have no investigators at all. So we are finding, finding, and more finding! It's crazy! But so much fun! We are really excited! We have already found a few investigators so we are really chuffed about that! It's going to be great! Yes, I will miss the baptisms in Purley, but as long as they get baptized, then it doesn't matter if I am there. All is well! :)

So, yeah. Lot's of exciting and new things this week! But that is all for now! I hope that you all have a fantastic week and keeping going strong with everything! Pray for strength when you need it, and Heavenly Father will answer your prayers! Thank you all for everything! I couldn't do any of this without all of you! Love you all!!! :)

Sister Connery

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