Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sticking Together


So, Sister Ball and I are still here in Bracknell together! One more transfer together! Hooray! So, I guess I need to repent more for being prideful. Sister Ball and I didn't have such a great week as we have been having lately. We only got 17 lessons, with no new investigators. :( We are not quite sure what is wrong but it's probably because we have been so excited and bragging a little about how good we have been doing. But Heavenly Father is now humbling us. We cannot do this work without His help. Hopefully this next week will be better! We just have to work harder and better, and keep ourselves humble. The weather here in England has been absolutely crazy! For the past week and half it has been 27+ degrees outside! It got up to 35 degrees one day! It is so hot, but I won't complain about it! This weather is supposed to continue through the rest of the week, so we are hoping that it will stay nice.

This week has been full of fun for us, but it has been really hard on my body. Last Wednesday we had P-Day because it was transfers, and we decided to have a district P-Day. So Sister Ball and I, Elder Grachyov, Elder Treadway, Elder Davies, and Elder Rogers took a trip to Camberley and we went bowling! Yes, bowling! I didn't really want to go because for some reason it didn't sound like it was a good idea for me. But we went and we had lots of fun. However, I found out right away why I knew it wasn't a good idea. As soon as I threw my first ball, my shoulder screamed in pain! (Don't worry, I'm fine now) It just hurt a lot at the time. But I pulled myself together and I played for the three games. I didn't pay £7 to not get to play. So instead I just used my left arm and bowled that way. It wasn't too bad, but I lost big time! Oh well. It was still fun. Oh, and I know that Adam got a phone call on Wednesday night from Brother Jones. Let me explain. Brother Jones played a mean trick on Sister Ball and I and tricked us into writing down our mothers' names and our home phone numbers. Then he went and called you guys! Adam answered the phone and as soon as Brother Jones started talking to him and telling Adam about me (he didn't know I had a brother named Adam so I knew he was actually talking to him) and then he handed me the phone! All I did was say "Adam, hang up the phone." And he did. So, if Adam said anything about that on Wednesday, it was a member here named Brother Jones playing a trick on me and Sister Ball. Anyway, we did some gardening work for a member on Thursday, and we also played football (soccer) on Thursday night. I scored a goal and my team won! Yay us! It was a ward event (even though not many people showed up) and an investigator of ours came so that was why we were there. But we had a lot of fun! We also got to go out to dinner to an actual restaurant with a member and her son on Saturday. We went to a Thai restaurant that was really good. And Lorna (the member) taught me how to use chopsticks! (see attached pictures). So that was our week. Lot's of fun!

We have some really good investigators and a few baptismal dates, so we are really praying that everything will go well! The work is definitely hastening, and I love being here on my mission! It is such a great experience to see people begin with no faith and to get to watch their faith grow! It is an amazing experience to serve a mission! Thank you all for all your prayers and support! I am so glad that I have my family backing me up! I miss you all, and hope you have a great week! Love you guys lots!!!

Sister Connery

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