Monday, April 22, 2013


Hello everyone!
As you have obviously heard, I am now in the mission field, which in missionary lingo, means that I have been born! I'm so glad that things at home are going so well and that because of my decision, great blessings are being poured upon our family! I'm glad that I am able to be a good example for Sam, Grace, and Adam and I am happy that Adam has decided to serve a mission because it is so wonderful! It's hard sometimes, to have people slam doors in your face, or stand in front of you and tell you that you are wrong, but our faith is built on the foundation of Jesus Christ. Sometimes our faith is shaken, but our foundation never moves, so our faith shouldn't either. I did get to watch all of General Conference finally! It was a wonderful conference and the talks were great as well. I have only been out for a two and half weeks and I already love it! I still pray for each and every one of you, every day! It's amazing how many prayers you say every day in the mission field! I don't think I've ever prayed as much or as hard for anything before! But it sure helps you out!

We now have 2 hours in the field for emailing! Thank goodness! It's nice not to be rushed. Before we left the MTC, we got to go to Manchester to talk to people and that was such a cool experience! My MTC companion and I gave out 3 Books of Mormon! So we were pretty happy about that. Unfortunately, my MTC companion and I had to part ways to go into the mission field. But I have a new companion! Her name is Sister Ball and she is awesome! She's from Idaho too! She's from southern Idaho, around Rexburg, but it's still cool. Our mission president, President Millar is also from Idaho, so when we got our picture taken with him and his wife, he called us his two Idaho sisters.

Last Sunday, before we left the MTC, we had a testimony meeting that was three and half hours long! There were 61 of us at the MTC and President Edwards asked us all to bear our testimonies. It was a great meeting though. The Spirit was so strong! I didn't give a really long testimony like a lot of people because earlier that day I had to give a talk in Sacrament meeting. On Wednesday they had asked all 61 of us to prepare a 5-minute talk on the Atonement. Then on Sunday in Sacrament meeting, they announced who would give their talks. They selected 5 people so I had a 1 in 12 chance. And I got chosen! I was so scared! I was shaking so bad but I got up and did it anyway.

We also had to say goodbye to our brilliant teachers, Brother Rojas and Brother Loynes, which was kinda sad but we made some great memories! I am now serving in Bracknell, England, and we are the only missionaries in this area, and it's a big place. There is only one ward here but the members have been so kind and welcoming. So far I've gotten to work with only a few of our investigators but one investigator that we taught the first lesson to on Friday brought a friend to the lesson. We taught them both the lesson, gave them both Books of Mormon, and they both said yes to baptism once they got confirmation that the church is true! We were so excited! We also had our investigators Angie and Penny come to church yesterday which was so cool to have them there. We've been walking so much so far that I've got tons of blisters on my feet! I think I have blisters on my blisters! But it's okay because the work that I am doing is more important than the comfort of my feet.

So in sacrament meeting yesterday, they had me come up and bear my testimony and tell everyone a little about me. Earlier in the day, I was talking to the Stake Patriarch, Brother Boyle, and he asked where I was from and I told him that I was from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. So after I finished talking and sat down, Brother Boyle was the next speaker and he got up and told the congregation that "Coeur d'Alene is the Garden of Eden of the States. It's just absolutely beautiful!" I thought that was so nice of him, and it's totally true!

I am glad that everything is going well at home, and I will continue to pray for everyone! The church is true, no matter where you go! Always remember that! I can't wait to see what you all tell me next week! Have a great week! I love you all!

Sister Connery

EDITOR'S NOTE: Sister Connery sent the following pictures this week, but she didn't give us any captions! So we'll all have to guess what these pictures are of until she can shed some light ... in 18 months or so :)

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